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Compliance management

Compliance Management

The goal of LS Cable & System's compliance management is to eliminate the risk of violating fair trade laws and regulations and faithfully fulfill its management mission, ‘the role of fair corporate citizen.In order to achieve the goal, LS Cable & System has appointed Chief Compliance Officer and operates the Compliance Program(CP) to guide employee practices.

  • CEO's Message for Compliance Management
  • Compliance Management System
  • Practice and Expected Effects

Since 2012, LS Cable & System has implemented ‘Compliance Management Program to faithfully fulfill ‘the role as a fair corporate citizen’ in the society.

In order to internalize compliance management system into our corporate culture and have all of the employees abide by these principles CEO sends out his message on significance of Compliance Management System.

CEO's Message for Compliance Management

Dear Employees,

As all of you may be aware, global corporations are becoming more and more accountable for their social and ethical responsibility, and this Corporate social responsibility along with commitment for fair trade and competition is becoming foundational elements to ensure corporate survival.

LS Cable & System can only secure market competitiveness and achieve long-term success when all of the employees follow social and ethical responsibilities and fully commit themselves to engage in fair trade and competition.

As an instrument to ensure transparent and fair trade and to internalize compliance culture within the Company, LS Cable & System has implemented the ‘Compliance Management Program’ in 2012.

As part of these activities, we ask our employees to implement the following principles to establish a culture of compliance within our LS Cable & System.

  • 1) Compliance with domestic and international fair trade laws, international standards and best practices, etc.
  • 2) Actively participate in educational programs to maintain and strengthen the level of awareness of fair trade culture and consultation procedures for related laws and regulations.
  • 3) Embrace a culture of compliance and work with compliance responsibilities in your field of work

All employees, please comply with LS Compliance Management Code of Conduct and Commitment to Stakeholders, company regulations, and related laws to secure customer trust and sustainable growth of LS Cable & System.

Yours sincerely.

Compliance Management System

Operation of Compliance Management Organization and System

클린컴퍼니 제도

ESG Management ‘Compliance’

  • Operate conferences for systematic activities of Compliance within the company
  • Establishment of Compliance System including appointment of Chief Compliance Officer
윤리경영 홈페이지 구축

Homepage operation

  • Introduction of LS Compliance Management Code of Conduct and Commitment to Stakeholders
  • Regular posting of materials, such as cases of legal violations, to promote a culture of compliance among employees
임직원 교육 실시

Risk management of legal violations

  • Conducting a Risk Self-Check for fair trade across the company voluntarily
  • Operation of a Subcontract Dispute Mediation Council to achieve autonomous resolution of subcontract disputes
임직원 교육 실시

Employee training on fair trade

  • Annual training for employees
  • Provide various training such as customized training based on employee demand
사이버 신문고 운영

Operate fair trade consultation room

  • Activating free inquiries from employees related to fair trade
  • Collecting and responding promptly to reports related to fair trade from internal and external stakeholders on a regular basis.

Organizational Chart of Compliance Management

Compliance Declaration

Compliance Management Declaration

To become a company trusted by customers, LS declares, as follows, to practice compliance management based on the group's management philosophy known as “LS Partnership.”

First, we comply with all domestic and international laws and company regulations and do not engage in any illegal activities when conducting company business.
Second, we must hold lawbreakers to account for their illegal acts and deal with them sternly.
Third, through compliance management, we contribute to the improvement of the interests of customers, shareholders and local communities, and fulfill our responsibilities and obligations to the country and society.

January 2, 2014
LS employees

LS Compliance Management Code of Conduct
LS Compliance Management Commitment

Practice and Expected Effects

Practicing compliance management

Expected benefits of compliance management

Individuals Establishing basic patterns of behavior
  • Awareness of the code of conduct at work
  • Suppressing minor and customary illegal acts
  • Monitoring the illegal acts of others
Respective companies Improving corporate competitiveness and establishing a culture of compliance
  • Preventing risks
  • Reinforcing long-term competitiveness by improving financial performance
  • Enhancing customer trust by expanding the basis for compliance awareness
Group Improving internal and external reliability
  • Recovering LS brand image
  • Contributing to group management and interests
  • Establishment as a unique group culture